Address of the Company:
Nikol d.o.o.Deligradska 3/II/6
15000 Šabac, Srbija
By the phone:
Telefon: +381 (0)15 334-286Fax: +381 (0)15 334-286
Mob: +381 (0)63 327-179
Mob: +381 (0)65 80-80-101
Mob: +381 (0)65 80-80-102
On the map of Serbia:
Sabac is located on the river Sava, 70 km upstream from Belgrade.Possible directions to Sabac:
- from the north by highway Belgrade – Zagreb, 30 km from crossroad near Ruma
- from Obrenovac (40 km) or Valjevo (60 km)
- from Loznica (50 km)
- if you are coming from Bosnia and Herzegovina, 40 km from Pavlovica bridge